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Compound peptide gamma aminobutyric acid ointment

时间:2024/7/24 8:28:17 点击:

Compound peptide gamma aminobutyric acid ointment promotes children's growth and development, and is a OEM OEM manufacturer

There are many reasons that can affect a person's height, among which genetic factors from parents account for 60% -70%. Scholars have used multiple linear regression equations to analyze the significance level of the influence of parental height on sons and daughters through mathematical models. The conclusion is that the estimated point value of the heritability of total height between males and females is 71.7%; The heritability of height in boys is 72.9%, and in girls it is 62.8%

Both parents have a significant impact on their children's height, with girls' height having a slightly stronger genetic effect with their mothers, and boys' height having a slightly stronger genetic effect with their fathers, but far less strong than the joint influence of blood relationship between children and parents


Of course, in addition to genetic and disease factors, nutrition, exercise, sleep, psychology, and environmental factors in daily life are also important factors that affect height growth. For example, if both parents' height is not ideal but they hope their children can achieve their ideal height, then it is necessary to pay attention to these 30% -40% non genetic factors

Genetics is an exceptionally precise process, and 60% -70% of the parts determined by genetics are not easily altered; However, the Creator has given us 30% -40% of the space to freely express ourselves, which is commonly known as the influence of environmental factors on height, and our height can be predicted in the future


A successful case is NBA basketball Chinese star Jeremy Lin. Lin's parents, who are 191cm tall, are only 168cm tall, but through postnatal interventions such as nutrition and exercise, Jeremy Lin is over 20 centimeters taller than his father

Scientific research has shown that growth hormone is a key factor in promoting human height growth, and nutrition, exercise, sleep, mood, and other factors can all affect the secretion of growth hormone. Children with normal development can promote the secretion of growth hormone and improve their height through scientific height management plans such as postnatal nutrition guidance, sleep guidance, exercise guidance, mood guidance, and disease prevention. If the body is lagging behind due to endocrine disorders or other diseases, it is unlikely to help achieve normal height through daily life interventions. However, choosing a regular hospital for professional diagnosis and treatment is expected to achieve genetic height or break through genetic height


Research has shown that the secretion of growth hormone gradually increases after 9 pm and continues until around 12 pm, which is the peak period of growth hormone secretion in a day. 6-7 am is another peak of secretion, followed by a gradual decrease in growth hormone secretion


Clinical verification shows that the use of compound gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) promotes height growth in children with short stature. It can stimulate the pituitary gland to increase the secretion of growth hormone. With high levels of growth hormone, it can accelerate and promote the division and proliferation of epiphyseal chondrocytes, leading to continuous bone growth (height) and thickening, ultimately achieving the goal of promoting continuous and accelerated growth in the human body

Huayuan Chentai Aminobutyric Acid Cream


Rich and comprehensive nutrition, rich in protein, herbal essence, etc.

1. Yam, chicken inner gold, and bamboo leaves can help children grow and develop, improve physical function, and enhance immunity

2. Hydrolyzed whey protein is a fundamental component of the human body's structural proteins and a key factor in bone growth. Only sufficient collagen can provide sufficient assurance for adolescent height growth

3. Bone collagen peptides can effectively enhance bone and joint function, promote the generation of bone cells, and keep bone growth in a benign state, effectively helping children with bone growth and maintaining bone health


The composite peptide gamma aminobutyric acid paste we produce belongs to special diets. As is well known, in the "General Rules for Labeling Prepackaged Special Dietary Foods" (GB13432-2004) implemented in China on October 1, 2005, the country officially defined it as "food specially processed according to special formulas to meet the physiological needs of certain special populations or the nutritional needs of certain disease patients


Special food is an intelligent targeted food with objective attributes of "diversity, naturalness, and activity", "safety, probiotics, and nutrition". Targeted food that is processed using complex and special techniques through scientific and systematic quantitative proportioning, and has clear targeting or special directional characteristics. The essence of its technology is diversity, quantification, and targeting

Compared with ordinary food and health food, in addition to the special and complex formula and process used, the main difference lies in its more complete food value, which provides rich and specific nutritional and physiological functional values on the premise of high level and safe biological utilization value

Whether in terms of efficacy or quality, the composite peptide gamma aminobutyric acid cream produced by Huayuan Chentai is far superior to other gamma aminobutyric acid products and has a more market leading position.


Scientific inheritance, ancient methods, advanced brewing techniques, a bowl of good ointment

Selecting high-quality ingredients and strictly following the ancient method of 8 steps for boiling, supplemented by high-tech and high concentration extraction technology, every step is meticulously crafted to produce top-quality paste, achieving a "fine line, dripping into beads"


Wuhan Huayuan Chentai Health Biotechnology Co., Ltd

A one-stop service provider for special meals, providing professional OEM services such as special meal series paste processing, powder (solid beverage) processing, tablet (compressed candy) processing, etc. The cooperation mode is flexible and varied, and multiple services are available for selection



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